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Planning Committee

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Council Chamber, Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Rd, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1LE


You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Planning Committee.

Councillors, please remember to bring your computer tablet.

Councillors are reminded that, as public office holders, they are expected to comply with the ‘Nolan Principles’ & the council’s Code of Conduct, and to show respect to others in accordance with the law.

In order to help keep each other safe, all attendees at meetings are asked to be considerate of others and follow requests given by the chairman at the meeting. We will be grateful if you will continue to please:
• use the hand sanitiser at the entry point
• take your seat on arrival and remain seated throughout at the set distance
• leave promptly at the end of the meeting
• If you are able, please wear a face covering that fits over the nose and mouth

Yours sincerely

Lorna Williams
Deputy Clerk

A public participation session will be held during the meeting. Anyone wishing to speak on any matter should give notice of the request and subject matter to the Town Clerk no later than midday of the last working day prior to the meeting. No resolution can be made on any matter that is not on the agenda.

Please be aware that meetings are recorded

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 67.0.P22
    Apologies for non-attendance
  2. 68.0.P22

    Unless granted a dispensation, a councillor with voting rights shall not participate in discussion or vote on a matter in which they have an interest and shall withdraw from the meeting during discussion of the matter.

  3. 69.0.P22

    There shall be no discussion about the draft minutes of a preceding meeting except in relation to their accuracy

  4. 70.0.P22

    Prior to the meeting, any councillor member of the committee wishing to provide an announcement should first liaise with the chairman.

  5. 71.0.P22

    In accordance with standing orders, members of the public may speak at this meeting in respect of town council business, provided that prior notice of a request to speak, and the subject matter, is received by the Town Clerk no later than midday of the last working day prior to the meeting. Public participation shall be restricted to the public participation session, unless directed otherwise by the Chairman.

  6. 72.0.P22
    Presentation by : Victoria Saucune from Property Link UK regarding proposals on a reserved matters application for Lakeside
  7. 73.0.P22

    ++ https://www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/planningonline++

  8. 73.1.P22

    Proposal: Installation of 3no. externally illuminated fascia signs, 2no. non-illuminated fascia signs, 11no. non-iluminated ACM panels and 4no. non-illuminated poster cases.
    Location: 15-19 Regent Street, Burnham On Sea, Somerset, TA8 1AX
    Please click here to view this planning application on Sedgemoor's Planning Online website :https://url6b.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1nk0Ph-0003Ya-3y&i=57e1b682&c=uztbDgbYgMJUYTH_y-7CsWv0Tqp-hAmJRNcM9sjXF5TNM3ATprNFtLTJSsu429_6LzTgRvvzbRCUUmh0i0_b8fXGPV0JIEARaN2wTbJzyB0tjfFHea1sip9BKB0sEHC8vjDrW8CYoyXQ9gI2LnzT0wL9LwprX4WQZSp32wg63oQr09Q05lBNqgK0kq6-1V3FhNipMOL26qpKtqTo4fQ9ONS0E4hv7b5gvMN4X-FdLAEGYwMivB71-oua5gMXRkMPIaQcj-EzJuhI_xK3zPZjFA

  9. 73.2.P22

    Proposal: Crown lift Lime (T1) within A3 to 5.5m over highway, remove squirrel damaged low limbs to north and west side. Reduce extended low limb to south by 3-4m.
    Location: 9 Gardenhurst, Burnham On Sea, Somerset, TA8 2QG
    Please click here to view this planning application on Sedgemoor's Planning Online website : https://url6b.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1nmESz-0008Sy-5F&i=57e1b682&c=KjrkzmsaXzE8lpdiDMEM_VBf0csOEIc0_ERldlY1OKDXs1l0rSpQ9rtqsqT3XPT06-AXoRU-YcevB-bCQGI-kwfKIvbj6wNpBjhqqXdAJ2IoYk7kvTNUF_jgsgiMWkjOAgaObUkdmAF0JPBDM9HTQraQ9FK2BEzTysd2TT6DkAfUblW5b82B0wsPhLqhZyTmkO8VgsyZSAAFkw-gxr-hlh_Dkbt-zsQ0kRTeYnCLwO2_neFQH0IawsggQiDh1cTXvsriXYtffcdruu0SPzzREA

  10. 74.0.P22

    Licensing Act 2003
    Application for a New Premises Licence
    The Smokehouse Kitchen & Takeaway, 25 High Street, Burnham on Sea, TA8 1NX

  11. 75.0.P22

    An update being sent to residents is attached for information.

  12. 76.0.P22
    To NOTE applications considered under delegated authority.
  13. 77.0.P22
    To receive any relevant correspondence and note any items of information from the Clerk.
  14. 78.0.P22
    The next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7pm